Stories Behind the Bookstagram

I am, as you might know, very active on my bookstagram account (link). I therefore thought it would be fun to start a new series of posts where I share small anecdotes about the pictures on my Instagram. Bookstagram’s seem very calm, aesthetic and well thought-out, but the life behind them (at least in my case) is so very different. I therefore thought it would be fun to share some stories about how some of my pictures come to life.

This picture was taken with my little sister, Cornelia, during the summer last year. Before getting a successful shot of the sheep, my sister made a plan to sneak up on the sheep with a book in her hands. What I did not realize was that in her head that meant running towards them and scaring the shit out of them. We both still laugh so hard when looking at that picture of her on the hill Needless to say that plan did not work out very well.

This is again my little sister modelling for me. First of all she had a lot of trouble blowing out the flame which was pretty scary at many points. We also took the picture indoors and her hair was loose so it was pretty dumb, which my mom was upset about. The bigger problem, however, was that I also asked her to take off her shirt. She had very colorful clothes on and I thought her bare skin looked nicer. When I later showed my mom the pictures she got extremely mad about the fact that I know had pictures of my little sisters nipples. She asked me to delete them immediately and never do that again. (The reason all the pictures are different size is because I  had to cut out the nipples.)

Cornelia and I were visiting my aunt and uncle. These picture is from my uncle’s office, as he is the biggest reader ever and have this prettiest shelves as you can see. The office is, however, the most dusty and messy place in the whole world. My aunt was totally weirded out by the fact that I wanted to photograph the mess of a place and Cornelia, when posing for the picture, had to stand with stacks of books between and around her legs to get close enough to the shelves for the picture. If only you could see the floor, you’d understand.

lady midnight tilda.jpg

This picture is from my home and it might seem rather regular, but it isn’t at all. The first time I ever talked with Tilda (tildareads), we had decided to FaceTime and photo shoot at the same time. I took a lot of pictures that day, but I mainly remember this one as my Tilda picture.<3

publishing house

In my current state of mind I really don’t like this picture, but it does mean something special to me. I got the book in the picture from a Danish publishing house back when I was an intern there. They asked me to review the book for them and I therefore had to find some place quiet to read. As the head of the publishing house was travelling I got to read in his office. While reading I took this picture. So I now have a picture inside the office of one Denmark’s biggest publishing houses’ boss. I personally think that’s pretty cool.

Do you have any funny stories behind your pictures? And would you be interested in me making more of these kinds of posts? I already have plenty of ideas.

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  1. Hahaha it always takes me 100 tries to get a mediocre artsy picture of books…yeah I still haven’t got the bookish photography techniques down yet 😂 But your pictures are gorgeousssss, I love the the fire one!!


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