top lists


If you ask my dad I’m the biggest TV junkie on the planet (besides my sister). That might be true — or, you know, my dad might just not be watching enough TV to be able to judge that properly. No matter what, though, I do love a lot of TV shows, and today it is time to share my all time favoritesss. These are all so near to my heart, and I love them sosoo much, so I’m really excited to share them with you.

I’ve tried to rank the shows (from least fave to most fave), but they’re all so different and I love them so it really was a real struggle. So yeah, don’t take that too seriously. Anyway let’s get started, here’s the list:

New Girl (more…)

Stories Behind the Bookstagram #2

About two weeks ago I posted my first post in this series (link hereee), where I basically tell some of the small fun stories behind some of my Bookstagram pictures. I had so much fun making it, and you guys seemed to really like it so I decided to continue on with a part 2!

This is pretty mucg the story behind every picture I ever take. They might all seem similar, but I still do it. It is needed for, when you want that perfect one. (more…)

ALL THE PRIDE | diverse recommendations

There is so much discussion about reading diverse all the time, and I too find it super important. I think of it as basically being alert that you read books that include all kinds of different people, basically just what the real world looks like. I have decided to start a new series called Diverse Recommendations (if you have any cool name suggestions it would be very appreciates). I will in each post recommend around 2 books including diversity. Since June means pride month I’ll start this series out with recommending LGBTQ+ books.


Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli (more…)


As live in Denmark I have never been properly taught American history and African-American rights and racism. That also means I have learned the majority of what I know about the subject from literature and movies.

I recently finished The Hate U Give, which follows a girl from a black ghetto right after a black teenager has unfairly been killed by a policeman. It deals with a 16-year-olds daily struggles as black and a whole community’s anger and feeling of the police more being against them than with them. It really made me realize some things about many black people’s situation in the US. (more…)

Stories Behind the Bookstagram

I am, as you might know, very active on my bookstagram account (link). I therefore thought it would be fun to start a new series of posts where I share small anecdotes about the pictures on my Instagram. Bookstagram’s seem very calm, aesthetic and well thought-out, but the life behind them (at least in my case) is so very different. I therefore thought it would be fun to share some stories about how some of my pictures come to life.

This picture was taken with my little sister, Cornelia, during the summer last year. Before getting a successful shot of the sheep, my sister made a plan to sneak up on the sheep with a book in her hands. What I did not realize was that in her head that meant running towards them and scaring the shit out of them. We both still laugh so hard when looking at that picture of her on the hill Needless to say that plan did not work out very well.


I recently shared my favorite books of the year (link), and now it is time to talk about the worst. I read so many amazing books this year, but some did disappoint, and today I am here to talk about them. These are the ones that disappointed me the most, the ones that failed my expectations. Let’s get into it! (more…)


A new year i upon us, with a ton of new reading goals. I, too, have a bunch of new goals for this new year, but before I share them with you I want to talk about setting a reading challenge.When setting goals for the new year it is often very focused on the amount of books we want to read next year. Almost everyone part of the online book community set a reading challenge on Goodreads. Even though the majority of readers hate math, we have a tendency to count everything we read. At the end of every month and on Goodreads for our challenge. I see both downsides and upsides about this, and today I want to talk about that.


Amount more than content (more…)


It is almost 2017, and it is time to talk about my favorite reads of 2016. It seems like yesterday I started my Bookstagram, and now, today, it is exactly a year ago. Due to this community I have so much more this year than I normally do. I completed 75 books, and I am excited to share my favorites with you. I am aware it is a rather short list. I did feel like I read a ton of amazing books, but these are the ones that truly deserve a spot on my all time favorites list. I also made a longer list back in July with my mid-year favorites (link). I will be counting down from number 4 to 1. Now let’s get into it! (more…)


I love reading, and when we today in my family talked about what we were thankful for, one of the things I thought of was this blog and my Instagram, and the great community it has made me part of. Today I am highlighting all the books that I am specifically thankful for.


Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling – This is the series that got me into reading when I was 6-years-old, it’s the book that always makes me happy, it’s the series I can’t have a proper conversation without referring to. Harry Potter is my all time favorite series, and I am so thankful for its existence. (more…)