
Paper Christmas Decoration

I have received the Danish books ‘Vinterklip’ and ‘Simones Juleklip’ from the Danish Publisher PeoplesPress (thank you so much!), which are both filled with tutorials on how to make wonderful, paper decorations. There are some truly stunning decorations  in the books, and it makes your house looks so nice and Christmassy. Even though it is pretty time-consuming it is a lot easier than it might look and just takes a bit patience. And there are many of the decorations that are more winter-themed than Christmas themed so you can totally still use this book after next week.

I myself have had most fun with ‘Vinterklip’, but if you want to do it with kids I’d recommend ‘Simones Juleklip’ more.

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Book Fair Haul & Meeting Adam Silvera

This past week I went to a blogger event and the Danish book fair with Tilda, and because of that I got a lot of exciting things to show and tell you.

Wednesday, last week, I went to a blogger where the Danish authors A. J. Kazinsky and Sarah Engell came, a long with the British Mhairi McFarlarne. I loved listening to so different authors all talking passionately about their writing, and I had a lot of fun at the event.

From the event I got all the pictures you can see below, I think that tote bag might be a new favorite. (more…)


If you ask my dad I’m the biggest TV junkie on the planet (besides my sister). That might be true — or, you know, my dad might just not be watching enough TV to be able to judge that properly. No matter what, though, I do love a lot of TV shows, and today it is time to share my all time favoritesss. These are all so near to my heart, and I love them sosoo much, so I’m really excited to share them with you.

I’ve tried to rank the shows (from least fave to most fave), but they’re all so different and I love them so it really was a real struggle. So yeah, don’t take that too seriously. Anyway let’s get started, here’s the list:

New Girl (more…)

2017 MID-YEAR FREAK OUT book tag

I did this tag last year (link), and I thought it was a really nice way to talk about the books I’ve read so far. The tag has also weirdly enough gotten extremely many views lately, so here’s an updated version for you all.

1. Best book you’ve read so far in 2017.

The Hate U Give is without a doubt a favorite. It was moving and has left such a big impact on me, and even though I did expect it to carry an extremely important message I didn’t expect to love is as much as I did. I highly, highly, higly recommend it!

2. Best sequel you’ve read so far in 2017.

There’s no doubt that is Crooked Kingdom. Six of Crows and not only did CK top that it also concluded the duology so well. Definitly the best book of the year (I know I said it was THUG, but I can’t talk about Crooked Kingdom in every question, you know.)


(Danish translation below // dansk oversættelse nedenunder)


Shadow and Bone is about Alina discovering she has this special power that basically means she’s destined to save the world. She gets taken away from everything she knows (including her best friend/crush Mal) to train her powers.

I’ve read and loved (!) the Six of Crows-duology, and this book just didn’t live up to those book at all. Like that is a whole other league.

Shadow and Bone is extremely fast paced and you have fun and enjoy reading it. The pages are flying by, and if I had owned all the books I probably would have marathoned the whole trilogy. (more…)

Stories Behind the Bookstagram #2

About two weeks ago I posted my first post in this series (link hereee), where I basically tell some of the small fun stories behind some of my Bookstagram pictures. I had so much fun making it, and you guys seemed to really like it so I decided to continue on with a part 2!

This is pretty mucg the story behind every picture I ever take. They might all seem similar, but I still do it. It is needed for, when you want that perfect one. (more…)

ALT ELLER INTET film anmeldelse // EVERYTHING EVERYTHING movie review

(English translation below)

alt eller intet.JPG

De søde folk fra Forlaget Carlsen sendte mig fribilletter til at se filmatiseringen af bogen Alt eller intet af Nicola Yoon (jeg har en anmeldelse af bogen her). Jeg tog min veninde med ind for at se den, og vi havde en virkelig hyggelig oplevelse med det. (more…)

ALL THE PRIDE | diverse recommendations

There is so much discussion about reading diverse all the time, and I too find it super important. I think of it as basically being alert that you read books that include all kinds of different people, basically just what the real world looks like. I have decided to start a new series called Diverse Recommendations (if you have any cool name suggestions it would be very appreciates). I will in each post recommend around 2 books including diversity. Since June means pride month I’ll start this series out with recommending LGBTQ+ books.


Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli (more…)